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AI in Education Bi-weekly Digest - Issue #15

Welcome to our latest #14 newsletter! We're here to bring you up-to-date with the most interesting developments in the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and education. This edition is brimming with engaging content, from exciting upcoming events that showcase innovative teaching technologies, to news and interviews with AI experts on its impact on job markets and education. We've also curated thought-provoking articles that delve into the role of AI in education, its potential pitfalls, and the guidelines that can help navigate its implementation. Plus, we spotlight some novel AI tools and resources that could revolutionize the way we teach, learn, and create. Whether you're an educator, student, or tech enthusiast, there's something for everyone in this issue. So, let's dive right in!

Upcoming Events:

[Physical Workshop] Idea Incubation Series: Elevate Learning with Emerging Tech - The CEI Idea Incubation Series, organized by the Center for Education Innovation (CEI), is a platform that showcases teaching innovations and emerging technologies for teaching and learning. The series will feature a variety of generative AI tools, including ChatGPT and Mid-Journey, as well as a specialized gamified teaching and learning course designed for Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs). These interactive workshops will provide hands-on practice sessions. Mark your calendars for this exciting event taking place on November 14, 27, and 29, 2023, from 12:30 to 14:00. The event will be held at Room 6558 (Lift 27/28) at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

News and Interviews:

The #1 Job That's Most Exposed to AI, According to Expert - CNN interviewed Professor Robert Seamans, an expert in the field of artificial intelligence and its impact on job markets. In the discussion, Prof. Seamans sheds light on the extent to which AI is poised to affect various professions, highlighting the varying degrees of vulnerability across different industries.

Elon Mush Tells Rishi Sunak AI Will Put An End to Work - Tech billionaire Elon Musk predicted during a conversation with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that artificial intelligence (AI) would eventually eliminate the need for work. Musk also expressed concerns about humanoid robots and their potential to pursue individuals anywhere. The discussion touched on London's status as an AI hub, the transformative power of AI in education, and the need for regulation.

How Microsoft Is Making A Mess of The News After Replacing Staff with AI - Microsoft's homepage,, has been accused of amplifying false and bizarre stories due to its increasing reliance on automation and artificial intelligence (AI) over human editors. The site, which is visited by millions of Americans daily, has undergone a transition from employing over 800 editors in 2018 to relying on AI-based curation. The use of AI has raised concerns about the responsible application of the technology and its potential impact on journalism. Microsoft's recent blunders include publishing false stories and featuring hyper-partisan content from lesser-known sources, prompting criticism from readers and news organizations alike.

How AI Is Helping Baby Boomers Find Kids Who Need A Mentor - The article discusses Eldera, an online platform that uses AI to connect baby boomers with young people who need a mentor. The platform’s mission is to dispel generational stereotypes and foster intergenerational relationships. The platform pairs adults who are at least 60 with young people ages 5-18 for regular video chats. Eldera’s co-founder and CEO, Dana Griffin, believes that the platform has tremendous health benefits for both young and old.

'Most of Our Friends Use AI in Schoolwork' - BBC Young Reporters Theo and Ben conducted a survey among their classmates and found that 31 out of 33 students had used AI in their schoolwork. The students used ChatGPT, an online tool that can answer questions in human-like language, to help with their homework. The article also highlights the potential risks of using AI in education, such as the possibility of incorrect answers. The article concludes by calling for schools to teach pupils about AI and its risks and potential.

Articles & Blogs:

[Videos] AI-empowered Future Learning: Design for Learning, Learning Technology, and Digital Literacy - A series of keynotes shared by the Centre for Information Technology in Education at the University of Hong Kong, focusing on trends, changes, and more regarding AI in education and industry.

Six Guiding Principles For the AI Revolution – The statement of principles, produced by 130 parties from 44 countries, provides six holistic principles as a framework for action to foster AI literacy to empower people and reduce digital access inequalities.

AI and Education: the Age of Super-Learning – The author believes that GenAI has the potential to transform learning, particularly in business education. In business education, GenAI necessitates the development of cognitive, interpersonal, and social skills. The author highlights how instructors at the USC Marshall School of Business are leveraging GenAI in various ways to enhance teaching. He also reminds us that business leaders need to be mindful of biases in AI models and work towards addressing them.

The 93 Questions Schools Should Ask About AI - Educators are encouraged to consider 93 important questions about artificial intelligence (AI) in K-12 education. The "Generative AI Readiness Checklist" offers practical guidance for districts to evaluate AI tools and address issues of bias and staff expertise. The checklist aims to provide actionable steps for educators to navigate the implementation of AI technologies effectively.

What Do AI Chatbots Really Mean for Students and Cheating - The launch of AI chatbots like ChatGPT has raised concerns about increased cheating among students. However, Stanford researchers Denise Pope and Victor Lee argue that the fear is misplaced. Their ongoing research on cheating in U.S. high schools suggests that AI has not significantly impacted cheating rates. The researchers emphasize that cheating is a complex issue with various underlying reasons, such as academic pressure and lack of support. They advocate for addressing these root causes and promoting student engagement and integrity. Additionally, they recommend discussing the ethics of AI use and teaching students critical thinking skills in relation to technology.

'Is This an Appropriate Use of AI or Not? Teachers Say Classrooms Are now AI Testing Labs – Teachers are grappling with the use of AI tools in classrooms, trying to understand their potential and risks. Some teachers have embraced the technology, while others are concerned about potential cheating and the impact on student engagement. While some schools have banned AI tools entirely, others focus on transparency and ensuring that AI supplements learning rather than replacing it. The lack of knowledge about data collection and cheating prevention adds to the uncertainties. Policies and guidelines are being developed to address these issues.


Disclaimer: AI in Education has no affiliation with any highlighted free or commercial products in this section.

Stable Audio - The tool, developed by Stability AI, is capable of creating “high-quality,” 44.1 kHz music for commercial use via a technique called latent diffusion. The model is trained on audio metadata as well as audio files’ durations and start times, which affords greater control over the content and length of synthesized audio than the generative music tools released before it.

Capitol AI - Capitol AI has launched a new generative AI tool for storytelling and research. The tool is designed to help researchers and storytellers create compelling narratives by generating text, images, and videos.


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the linked posts are those of the speakers and or their entities and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the project AI in Education, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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