GAIN 2023 - Bridging Generative AI and Academia
Generative AI Insights
Registration Form
08 JUNE 2023 / 0930 - 1800 (UTC+8) / CYT LT1A CUHK + Zoom
Personal Data Collection Statement
The personal data collected will be used by the authorized personnel and organizer for the purposes of processing registration only. All personal data you provided WILL NOT be disclosed to any third parties except with your prior consent.
Morning Session (0930 - 1245) (UTC+8)
Highlight Events
1000 - 1040
The Evolution and Future of Generative AI in Education
Prof Irwin King (CUHK)
1040 - 1120
Remote Keynote
Rethinking Education in the Age of Generative AI
Dr Edwin Creely
(Monash University)
1135 - 1250
Panel Discussion
Generative AI in Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
Prof Paul Lam (CUHK)
Prof Thomas Chiu (CUHK)
Dr Andy Chun (CityU)
Prof Eric Friginal (PolyU)
Prof Stuart Hargreaves (CUHK)
Prof Xinzhi Zhang (HKBU)
Afternoon Session (1410 - 1800) (UTC+8)
Highlight Events
1425 - 1505
Assessment and Feedback Re-Designs for The Generative AI Era
Prof David Carless (HKU)
1505 - 1620
Panel Discussion
Generative AI, Ethics, and the Law
Prof Vivian Lee (CUHK)
Prof Samuel Chu (HKU)
Prof Ivan Ho (PolyU)
Prof Robin Huang (CUHK)
Prof Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen (HKBU)
Prof Keng-Leng Siau (CityU)
1635 - 1750
Panel Discussion
Generative AI in Education: The Student Views
Dr Christopher See (CUHK)
Student Speakers
Mr Vishal Ginni (HKBU)
Mr Aarav Patkar (HKUST)
Mr Adrianus Viary (CityU)
Mr Yuxuan Zhang (CityU)
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